How to Teach your Puppy Dog to Sit without Treats!

picture of dog being taught to sit.

Does your dog try to jump all over everyone it greets? Or maybe your dog just does not sit when you need him to?

In this blog post I am going to explain to you step by step how I train a dog to sit on the leash!

Many clients of mine come to me because their dog is out of control and gets so excited that it never sits when asked! Or listens for that matter.

There is nothing better than having an obedient dog and one of the most important things I can tell you is everything in dog training stems from the basics. Much like school. You need to pass 5th grade before you move onto 6th. Your dog needs to understand the basics (5th grade) before moving onto the harder stuff (6th grade).

How To Train Your Dog To Sit:

Step 1: I make sure my dog is in the “Heel” position which for me is on the right side of my hip.

Step 2: When your dog is at your side you are going to say, “Your Dog’s Name, Sit!” while giving a little snap straight up and slightly pushing down on your dog’s butt.

Step 3: Once your dog sits, praise him or her by saying “good boy/girl” and or petting the dog.

Step 4: Practice this multiple times per day. 2-3 times daily for 5-10 minutes a session is ideal and will get you good results.

If you want to actually myself in action and how I train a dog to sit watch the video below and subscribe to The Crafty Pup Pack below and you will receive my Top 5 FREE Dog Training Tips right now!

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