How To Teach Your Puppy To Come Back To You!


Many of my customers have a hard time teaching their puppy to come back to them. How often do you let your dog out in the backyard only to play catch me if you can before finally getting your puppy back inside? Or you call your dog and he just decides to do his own thing!

This is for good reason, Recall as it is called in the dog training world (aka calling your dog) is one of the harder things to teach your puppy! However, if you follow how I train my puppies to come back to me you should be off to a good start! It is very important to start training your puppy to come back to you at a young age. I am going to walk you through step by step how I train puppies that are 8-15 weeks to come back to me.

If your dog is older than 15 weeks you can still do this, however, I do it a little differently with older dogs. You can check out my online course where I show you how to train your dog to come back on the leash by CLICKING HERE.

When training young puppies I like to use a little treat or a piece of dog food. Once your dog is 4 months and older I no longer use food, at that point I just use praise however, for these youngsters I use some treats.

How To Train Your Own Puppy To Come:

Step 1: Say your dog’s name, followed by come or here whichever command you prefer.

Step 2: As your puppy comes to you verbally praise your dog by saying, “Good boy/good girl” and encouraging your puppy the entire time until it gets to you.

Step 3: Once your puppy comes to you say, “Yes” and then give the puppy the treat. If you do not have treats or if your dog is not food motivated just praise your puppy and make it a big deal.

Step 4: Practice training your puppy daily for 5 minutes by repeating steps 1-3 and your puppy should start to come back to you a lot better.

That is how I train puppies to come. In the video below you can see me training a customer’s puppy and I explain everything while teaching the puppy to come.


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